Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Read the Bills Act

The light of day is still exposing some liberals as the hypocrites that they are. When the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee states matter of factly at a National Press Club luncheon that reading the bills before voting on them is useless, unless you have 2 days and two lawyers to explain it to you after you read it, then the bill is also going to be too complicated to work as planned, and will fail.
To stop this kind of nonsense, we should strongly consider asking our representatives to pass the “Read the Bills Act”

“No LEGISLATION without representation.”

We hold this truth to be self-evident, that those in Congress who vote on legislation they have not read, have not represented their constituents. They have misrepresented them.

This clip of Michigan's rep, John Conyers, husband of Monica Conyers, a convicted bribe taking Detroit City Council member, should make the average American quite angry with liberal "politics as usual."

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