Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Nugent on 2nd

Ted Nugent discusses the 2nd Amendment with Evan Smith, host of the KLRU program TEXAS MONTHLY TALKS and editor of TEXAS MONTHLY magazine.
"...I don't like repeat offenders. I like dead offenders."
Well said, Ted.


Anonymous said...

Ted Nugent for President. What else can be said. A true American through and through. Barbara Boxer, Dianne Fienstein, and Nancy Pelosi refuse to accept that legal ownership of firearms protects life and property. Whoops - maybe we need firearms to protect our life and liberty from a tyranical government populated by the likes of our liberal friends - I guess I'm just a right wing nut job.......


BA Moonshadow said...

You sound like a patriot. I wouldn't worry about how the liberals want to label you.