Thursday, January 24, 2008

Bill Clinton launches Racial Rockets

An Ominous 2008: Journalists and Voters To Regret Their Decisions
Tony Blankley
"There is little uglier in democratic politics than playing one aggrieved minority off against another. But Bill Clinton, the Mephistophelean conductor of the political body symphonique, has summoned demographic counterpoint melodies. While we all pray that the devil's baton ends on a sour note for the conductor, the discordant symphony it raises may well blare loudly for a season or two...
...But more importantly than noting the media's complicity in carrying a Democratic Party message (what's new with that?), Hillary Clinton must not be permitted to get off the hook she placed herself on when she played the race card. It is one of the low points of presidential politics in modern times. It is genuinely shocking. Honest commentators should make a big and continuing deal about it."

Of course, Mrs. Clinton denied she was sacrificing the South Carolina primary to Obama, where overwhelming black support has launched him to a 19-point lead over Clinton, according to a new Zogby poll.
Bill is hoping Hillary will LOSE South Carolina by enticing minorities to vote as a bloc for Obama. He presumes that this could set up a white backlash that would favor his wife's candidacy in the following primaries. By willingly losing in S.C. while claiming to have tried hard to convince black voters to vote for his wife, he attempts to make it seem like minorities are rejecting the white candidate for racial reasons. A strategic defeat in S.C. to win a dirty racial war on America would probably serve him, um, I mean Hillary, well.

USA Today
"Hillary Rodham Clinton downplayed recent acrimony between her campaign and that of Barack Obama as her husband, former President Bill Clinton, suggested she may lose Saturday's Democratic presidential primary because many black voters will side with Obama."

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