Friday, February 8, 2008

Cheney urges SCOTUS to strike down DC gun ban

from the SCOTUS blog:
Cheney disagrees in D.C. gun case
"Vice President Richard Cheney, parting company with the official Bush Administration position on the test case before the Supreme Court on the Second Amendment, signed onto a brief Friday urging the Justices to strike down the District of Columbia handgun ban without ordering any further proceedings...
...The congressional brief [co-authored by Senators Kay Bailey Hutchinson and Jon Tester] represents the views of 55 senators — 46 Republicans, nine Democrats — and 250 representatives — 182 Republicans, 68 Democrats, along with the Vice President."
Thank you, Mr. Vice-President.

Heller's Friends in Congress, And One More
NRA statement on congressional amicus curiae brief

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