Monday, November 19, 2007

City Council Meeting

Council agenda
I recorded most of the City Council meeting tonight, but missed everything before the discussion of insurance.

I haven't finished watching it yet, but I have to note that it is some of the poorest quality video and audio on earth. Even if you don't look at the video, the audio has some major noise and interference issues at times too. Does the City provide the video feed to Cable, or does the Cable company shoot and air it? Anyone know? Someone, somewhere needs to fix it. Was this covered in the early discussions on the cable franchise agreements noted in the agenda?
I will finish watching what was recorded, and will post on it tomorrow.

Any comments about the meeting from someone who was there, or has already watched the live cable cast?


Caesar said...

Bravo, way to join the fight. La vita e' bella.

BA Moonshadow said...

Well, I got extremely busy and never got around to writing up a post about this, and somehow Tivo didn't record the right channel for the following meeting.
From what I've read about the last meeting, Dec. 3, none of the council seemed to be going out of their way towards getting things lined up. The only one that "seemed" to know that things weren't right before voting on the tax measure admitted to being confused. Seems everyone was.
At least they corrected course, and everyone will have a chance do some math by the next meeting.

Caesar said...

Matt Jackson took the occasion to blast Caulkins and Edwards for the levy debacle. He is seriously positioning himself for a council run in ’09.

Anonymous said...

I think Matt Jackson has been positioning himself to run since the last council election, at least.