Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Above the law

From The Southern
SPRINGFIELD (LEE)_Gov. Rod Blagojevich announced Tuesday an end-run on lawmakers in an attempt to keep his troubled plan for universal health care alive.
For months, the governor has been unable to convince the General Assembly to back his push to expand health insurance programs.
On Tuesday, as part of a secret budget deal with Senate President Emil Jones, Blagojevich said he would use his veto powers to cut an estimated $500 million from the state's recently approved spending plan in order to finance his own health insurance program.
Critics questioned whether Blagojevich's move is legal under the state constitution.
''It reminds me of a Steven Seagal movie called `Above the Law,''' said state Sen.
Bill Brady, R-Bloomington. ''It looks like he's trying to circumvent the constitution.''... read more

There have been several new updates on the Governor's gaming on CapitolFax (Checkmate on Madigan?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Impeach Blago.

He's out of control. Even his own party doesn't like him.

Maybe he plans a "night of the long knives." Hey, if he's going to act like a totalitarian dictator...