Monday, August 13, 2012

Reince Priebus, RNC Chairman

RNC chairman, Reince Priebus, is one of the best, clear and articulate voices for the GOP in recent memory.  Former VP Cheney type clarity and focus, but immensely smoother. This guy makes Obama's Chicago boss, David Axelrod, look like a bumbling cartoon character in comparison, and outshines DNC voice D.W. Shultz  like the sun compared to a 60 watt bulb.  I am seriously impressed.

Side note about Axelrod::
Watch the eyebrow/hand gesticulation coordination as he speaks, and note that the more animated the squints, gestures and eyebrow raises and flutters get, the more the B.S. quotient increases. The only time he seems straight with a statement is when he flashes that big mustache accented smile meant to disarm you, right before he speaks. Good smile though.

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