Thursday, June 14, 2007

Gore Video Banished to YouTube

This is a video that the ABC, CBS, and NBC News departments would never consider showing you. It goes against the partisan story line that says that everything Bush says is a lie, and that whatever position he takes, they will take the opposite and call it journalism.

Al Gore Criticizing Bush 41 on Iraq in 1992
About 2:20 into the video, Gore accuses Saddam Hussein of organizing terrorism and working on WMD and nukes.

Flip Flop, Flip Flop. That's the sound of Albert and the loony left wing bump dancing in tandem to a typical vile and nasty thumping gangster rap song. Flip Flop, bump bump, Flip Flop, Bush Lied, flip flop...
To the great weathermaster and high priest of the religion of Global Warming, Al Gore, the biggest enemy is George Bush who is in a virtual tie with that horrible old hot star that is melting the ice cap. Fox News and Rush Limbaugh are probably number 2 or 3 because the truth hurts him too much. Terrorists fall somewhere down around 8 or 9 in the Democrat top ten enemies of America list.

President Bush should have simply let Big Al sell the Iraq war to the American people. The same evidence and intel that Al Gore used in 1992 are now declared by the left to be all lies told by a crazy Texas Republican.


brewski said...

How does Gore's 1992 characterization of George H.W. Bush come off as "hypocritical" while Cheney's complete reversal of position is--what?--an evolution in his thinking?

Dick Cheney defended the decision to leave Saddam Hussein in power after the 1991 Gulf War. In a speech to the Discovery Institute in August 1992, nearly 18 months after U.S.forces routed the Iraqi army and liberated Kuwait he told the Seattle audience that capturing Saddam wouldn't be worth additional U.S. casualties or the risk of getting "bogged down in the problems of trying to take over and govern Iraq. I would guess if we had gone in there, we would still have forces in Baghdad today, we'd be running the country."

I wonder if Gore's comments in 1992 had anything at all to do with the fact that in 1989, under George H.W. Bush, Saddam Hussein's Iraq was the third largest recipient of U.S. assistance in the world? Or that the U.S. more or less created Saddam's biological weapons capabilities? Could it be related at all to Reagan's and
Bush's blocking of all efforts in the Democratic Congress of the late 1980s to oppose Saddam's less than admirable activities with economic sanctions?

Gore’s point, in the context of the 1992 presidential campaign was clear — if George H.W. Bush wants credit for the 1991 Gulf War, he ought to also accept responsibility for helping enable Saddam Hussein for the better part of a decade…

BA Moonshadow said...

Hello, Brewski.
Am I to believe that you missed the point of the post? Or are you simply using a straw man argument to obfuscate the issue?
My point was simply to illustrate the hypocritical statements Gore has made in the more recent past, mostly since his devastating loss in 2000. Actually, I wasn't devastated at all, but I presume that you were, deeply.

How to explain his 180 degree about face? Well, I can only guess that it is a bunch of sour grapes. Do you have any other explanations that you would like to share?

If you would like to discuss the politics and history of the Vice-President, we could do that, but to me, it just does not really seem relevant to this thread about Al Gore.